How to enable Infrascale Cloud Application Backup

How to enable Infrascale Cloud Application Backup


In order to use Infrascale Cloud Application Backup (ICAB), an ICAB account need to be created on the Infrascale Dashboard. In this article, we will provide the steps on how to create an ICAB account using the Infrascale Dashboard. 


1) Sign in to your Infrascale Dashboard account.

2) Mouse over Application Backup and click on Activation & Management

3) Select Enable Cloud Application Backup for Company in the upper right.

4) Provide the required details.

  1. In the Company/Reseller box, select the company to enable ICAB for.
  2. In the Email box, enter an account email address to be used to sign in to the ICAB Management Portal.
  3. In the Plan box, select one of the available ICAB Plans. 
  4. In the Data Center Location box, select the preferred AWS data center location.

If you ever need to change the data center location, please contact Infrascale Support.

5) Confirm you have read the terms and conditions, and then click I Agree.

After you enable ICAB for the company, you can access the ICAB Management Portal to activate backup tasks for the supported cloud applications, to manage ICAB system settings, and to monitor ICAB system activity. 

ICAB billing is automatically generated monthly based off usage. If you have any questions regarding prices, usage, or your monthly bill please contact your account manager.