When you boot a VM on an IBDR Appliance you may get the following Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD):
What failed: dddriver64Dcsa.sys
The root cause of this issue is that the Dell Diag Control Device is missing. This device is related specifically to Dell and because we are not booting in their environment the VM will be unable to boot.
Uninstall the Dell software from the original machine and run a new full backup job.

These steps should be done every time you boot a new instance of the VM.
1) Boot the VM in Safe mode. Follow the steps recommended by Microsoft in the following article:
Start your PC in safe mode in Windows
2) Disable the “Dell Diag Control Device”. Open Device Manager, expand the System Devices section, and find the “Dell Diag Control Device”. Right-click on that device and click “Disable”.
3) Reboot in normal mode. With the "Dell Diag Control Device" disabled, the Blue Screen should no longer appear and the VM will be able to be booted properly.